How to Make More as a Writer
Want to hit the six-figure mark as a freelance writer—or simply make more for your work? Learn the techniques successful freelancers use to command higher rates, crack top markets, negotiate for more money, develop ongoing relationships with clients, and work more efficiently and productively in this jam-packed OCWW session. You’ll also learn about how to add ghostwriting to your freelance writing repertoire and why it’s one of the most in-demand areas for writers today. Whether you’re an experienced freelancer or new to the field, you’ll come away with new insights about how to maximize your writing time and boost your bottom line in the process.
Presented by freelancing expert Kelly James-Enger, author, coauthor and ghostwriter of more than two dozen books including Six-Figure Freelancing, Second Edition: The Writer's Guide to Making More Money, and Goodbye Byline, Hello Big Bucks, Second Edition: Make Money Ghostwriting Books, Articles, Blogs, and More. She blogs about making more money in less time as a freelancer. She ghostwrites for celebrities, health experts, publishers, and book packagers, and is an ACE-certified personal trainer.
Kelly is accepting nonfiction manuscripts for critique, as non-fiction is her forte. Only current OCWW members are eligible for this service. Advanced paid attendance to the workshop, plus the manuscript critique fee is also required. See for payment instructions. Manuscripts for critique are to be provided by email no later than Monday, April 18, 2016. Please note in the Subject Line of the email - Manuscript for Kelly James-Enger.